Englisch für den Beruf - C1

English for effective communication in business - advanced

This course will help you to reach a very high level in the field of business English due to its flexible and modular structure.

Depending on the participants' needs, the training course focuses on key business areas such as day-to-day operations, teamwork, meetings, presentations, networking, project management, discussions, negotiations etc. including business grammar for advanced students.

If you attend the training course regularly and successfully pass the internal final test, you will receive the IHK certificate "Englisch für den Beruf - C1". You can, of course, also attend the course without doing a final test.

Zielgruppe: Teilnehmer/-innen mit kaufmännischer oder technischer Berufsausbildung, die für ihre beruflichen Tätigkeiten fundierte Kenntnisse der englischen Sprache benötigen.

Voraussetzung Englischkenntnisse auf B2-Niveau.

This course will help you to reach a very high level in the field of business English due to its flexible and modular structure.

Depending on the participants' needs, the training course focuses on key business areas such as day-to-day operations, teamwork, meetings, presentations, networking, project management, discussions, negotiations etc. including business grammar for advanced students.
If you attend the training course regularly and successfully pass the internal final test, you will receive the IHK certificate "Englisch für den Beruf - C1". You can, of course, also attend the course without doing a final test.